Saturday, December 1, 2012

Wild Fermentation

This was even more exciting than doing the apple cider with store bought yeast. I had extra juice and I decided I wanted to see if it would ferment on its own. I had also read this blog post from Delicious Obsessions.

Here is the first of the two quart jars I had. It is juice from a pressing that took 2 days to get enough juice. It had been refrigerated for a couple days prior to setting it out at room temp. I put clean cheesecloth over the jar and secured it with a rubber band. Then I worried that wasn't enough protection so I also covered it in plastic that I poked numerous holes in.

 This second quart is juice that was pressed the same day and left out at room temp from the beginning. I covered it with paper towel at first that was secured with a rubber band and then switched to cheesecloth (no plastic with holes this time) when I got around to it.

Here they are a few days later. On the left is Batch 2. It is on Day 5. This was the first day I noticed any activity. It was bubbling and frothy on top. I tasted it and it was like slightly spikey apple juice. Yummy. Didn't taste like there was much alcohol in it at all.  On the right is Batch 1. The white layer you see is actually mould. It was on Day 8. There was no way to scoop it out as it was a solid film so I dumped it. It was not fermenting at all. 

So, now all that is left is Batch 2. I refrigerated it yesterday which was Day 18 for it. Here it is today on Day 19. In a separate post I have described another brew I have that I fermented with Champagne yeast that is also on Day 19 and it has cleared nicely. This one is definitely different. I'll have to taste them both and report. I love that it actually worked. I also found it very interesting that it did not work at all with the less than fresh cider in Batch 1.

UPDATE: Yesterday, Dec. 3rd (Day 19), I racked it off it's lees and left it out at room temp. I did this because when I tasted it I found it really sour. I had the thought of making apple cider vinegar earlier so I think I'll just let it go that route now.

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